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what stops us ?

Think about situations where its hard to survive ,think about situations where you have no way to get to your dreams ,think about situations where you dreamt about a life and you cant get it . These are situations that overwhelms our thoughts and we lose hope,confidence and go helpless .But are there ways to survive all those situations and still get to the dreams ? Yes there are ways .Its a slow and steady process .All we need is the determination and focus .  unfortunate situations  are always  disappointing .But it keeps us more determined , Think about a guy with lots of dreams dies in an accident or dies because of reasons he couldn't even think about . Yes ,Life is Uncertain but the most determined minds can always get through those situations or mental blocks . Why do we lose hope ? There are so many reasons we lose hope .We might see someone is very successful and we lose hope on our dreams ,as they are too far from our grab and we want to be successful very soon
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Do we change as we grow up ?

We all know while we were kids we used have dreams to Fly and capture the world ,For instance we believe those dreams are to be  true and we hope someday we get those dreams .We don't really know how but we will feel happy about getting it .Imagining about what we get and how it will make us feel .Days where we didn't know Fantasy and reality .But as we grow what changes ? There are Certainly so many things that changes ,Including our DREAMS .Why does it change ? We are more exposed to various Societies, Cultures ,Life-styles and we get friends from different countries ,and then we start comparing .Most people would love to chose a life that's a popular choice ,They would certainly think ,its about getting famous in college ,school or wherever they take their lives .Now the factors that influences us to this extend and changes are very common these days . We take Pride on doing what others think its great , Our Dreams change from what we dreamt during our chi